omma center


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Omma Center of Contemporary Art is a new concept in the world of art. In our cyber gallery, we organize events for established and emerging artists of high caliber whose work we think is worth presenting. We do our best to promote them and their art not only through the internet but also by organizing exhibitions for them in other galleries and museums.

We organize an annual art festival in Chania, in which more than100 artists participate every year.

View the catalogue

Another very important project is our annual art edition "International Artists 2007"

Artists who are interested in participating in our projects should send us images of their art or their website address or contact
Visit  for more information

Our Mission

Include your art in the Art Edition of "International Artists 2007"

Omma Center of Contemporary Art has for years worked at promoting artists
world-wide. In addition to our promoting artists who are already
established, through our festivals, exhibitions and art publications, we
have undertaken emerging artists and made them well-known.
Every artist knows how important is to create a record, to show their
creations in every possible way and to get their works out of their studios
and in front of the public.
In our annual edition of a high-quality printed catalogue of about 200
pages, we will include artists of high calibre from all over the world.
All media will be accepted.
The catalogue will be distributed to selected book stores and also sold from
The first edition will be 1,000 copies.
How you can be included:
Artists should apply by sending at least 5 JPG images by email.
If the artist is selected, he or she will be notified within 5 working days.
Terms of participation
The participation fee for a page in the catalogue is 250 Euros or US $ 295.
This page will include one image of the artwork and a short biography - no
more than four lines.
The image will cover as much as possible of the page.
If an artist wishes to have more pages in the catalogue (more images or a
more detailed biography), they can pay en extra 200 euros or US $240  for
each additional page. Only one image can be shown on each page.
The artists will receive one free copy of the catalogue, but they have to
pay for shipment cost.
If they want to buy extra catalogues, they will have a 20% discount, unless
they place an order through Amazon or elsewhere.
The catalogue will be published by December 2007.
Deadline for applications; May 15, 2007
If you want to order previous art catalogues, contact us at
or visit this link to see samples of how your page will look :   (if the links don't work, please copy and paste in your browser)

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

Organization News

5th International Art Festival 'Chania 2007'



Omma Center of Contemporary Art is organizing the 5th International Art Festival from June 5 until June 12, 2007 at the OLD CUSTOMS public exhibition center in the Old Town of Chania, Crete, Greece . The exhibition space is over 4000 square meters in area. The festival is one of the largest annual art exhibitions in Chania and one of the largest in Greece, and will be covered accordingly by the local and national media.

Artists from all over the world can participate. Visit this link to view the previous festivals:  (if the links don't work, please copy and paste in your browser)
There are two ways of participation;

1rst way;

Participation fee 430 Euros.

With this participation fee the artist will display 2 works (no size limit) in the show, and one of these works will be included in the full color edition catalogue which we publish for the show together with a short biography email and link to their website, as well as on our internet site

The artists will get two copies of the catalogue for free. If they want extra copies they will have to purchase them at the price of 20 Euros per each copy.

2nd way;

Participation fee 200 Euros.

With this participation fee the artist will display 1 work (size limit 100 x 100 cm. or 33 x 33 inches) in the show, and only the name of the artist will be included in the Index of the catalogue, together with their email and website link (no biography and no artwork will be shown on the catalogue). Only the link and email address of the artist will be shown on our website The artist does not get any free copies of the catalogue. If the artist wants any copies of the catalogue they will have to purchase them at the price of 20 Euros per each copy.
Apply by sending at least 5 JPG or Gif photos (no more than 250 kb each) or your website link, to:  
One of the works and a short biography of each artist will be included in a full color catalogue which we will publish for the exhibition. Each artist will get two copies of the catalogue for free. Slides or photos of the selected works - for the catalogue - must have been received by February 28, 2007
Post address:

Despina Tunberg - Curator
4057 # E Foothill Roads
Santa Barbara, CA, 93110
tel +1 805 448 6219
For more information contact:
Despina Tunberg – Curator tel; +1 805 448 6219 or send email to:  

 or visit our site  

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Mailing Address:

4057 Foothill Road Apt E
Santa Barbara 93110 USA

Phone: 805 448 6219
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